Newsletter de Festival de Cannes: Hommage a Fellini, restored films and documentaries

While Official Selection offers its films on the Cannes Palais' main screen in the Lumičre Theatre, or in the Debussy Theatre, Heritage films are presented in the Buńuel Theatre. Fifteen of the most beautiful prints: classics and rare films yet to be discovered. Ten will be presented as 35mm prints and five as high-definition Digital Cinema. Among them : a tribute to Michael Curtiz, Le Roi et l'Oiseau, a classical french animation film by Paul Grimault and a digital screening of Scarecrow by Jerry Schatzberg, Palme d'Or 1973.

Once again, the Festival welcomes them to what we are calling "restored prints". This section, established last year, is a way of screening these films under new conditions and to pay tribute to those who have transformed the technical restoration into a tremendous heritage and cultural challenge.

The program will start with Un Perro Andaluz by Luis Bunuel presented by the Filmoteca Espanola.

Since 2002, an annual selection of restored prints is screened in the Buńuel Theatre. Originating from around the world (Europe, USA, Asia...), these sound' films, are chosen from the propositions made by various archives, cinematheques, the studios and the producers. The criteria of the selection are the following: The film itself, the quality of the film, the historic impact, the quality of the print and the extent of the restoration process.

1) 35mm print screenings

UN PERRO ANDALUZ (UN CHIEN ANDALOU) de Luis Bunuel/Salvador Dali (1929, 17 mn). Restauration : Filmoteca espanola (Madrid, Espagne)
C'ERAVAMO TANTO AMATI (NOUS NOUS SOMMES TANT AIMES) de Ettore Scola (1974, 1h59). Restauration et tirage supervisés par Ettore Scola. Film présenté par Mars Film
THE EVERGREEN de Shin Sang-Okk (1961, 1h44). Restauration : Korean Film Archive (Seoul, Corée)
IN COLD BLOOD (DE SANG FROID) de Richard Brooks (1967, 2h14). Restauration : Columbia (Los Angeles, USA)
LA MARSEILLAISE de Jean Renoir (1938, 2h12). Restauration : Service des Archives du Film du CNC-Studio Canal (Paris, France)
THIS SPORTING LIFE (LE PRIX D'UN HOMME) de Lindsay Anderson (1963, 2h13). Restauration : British Film Institute (Londres, Grande-Bretagne)
I DOLCI INGANNI (LES ADOLESCENTES) de Alberto Lattuada (1960, 1h35). Restauration : Cineteca de Bologna (Bologne, Italie)
SHOCK CORRIDOR de Samuel Fuller (1963, 1h41). Restauration : Warner Bros. (Burbank, USA)
SOY CUBA (JE SUIS CUBA) de Mikhail Kalatozov (1964, 2h20). Restauration : Ker Productions. Film présenté par MK2 (Paris, France)
IL VANGELO SECONDO MATTEO (L'EVANGILE SELON MATHIEU) de Pier Paolo Pasolini (1964, 2h15). Restauration : Studio Canal. Film présenté en copie neuve par Carlotta Distribution (Paris, France)

2) Digital High Definition Screenings

LE ROI ET L'OISEAU de Paul Grimault (1980, 1h23). Restauration et projection numérique : Studio Canal (Paris, France)
MILDRED PIERCE (LE ROMAN DE MILDRED PIERCE) de Michael Curtiz (1945, 1h51). Restauration et projection numérique : Warner Bros. (Burbank, USA)
THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (LES AVENTURES DE ROBIN DES BOIS) de Michael Curtiz /William Keighley (1938, 1h42). Restauration et projection numérique : Warner Bros. (Burbank, USA)
YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (LA GLORIEUSE PARADE) de Michael Curtiz (1942, 2h06). Restauration et projection numérique : Warner Bros. (Burbank, USA)
SCARECROW (L'EPOUVANTAIL) de Jerry Schatzberg (1973, 1h55). Restauration et projection numérique : Warner Bros. (Burbank, USA)

3) Documentaires

Autour de Federico Fellini :

The 56th Festival de Cannes, to be held from the 14th to the 25th of May, placed under the sign of Federico Fellini on the occasion of his passing, 10 years ago. This year's official poster is dedicated to him and the unfolding of the Festival will be marked by numerous events in tribute to the master filmmaker

An integral retrospective of his work, organized with the gracious help of Cinecittà Holding and all of Fellini's producers, will be presented in several theatres of the Palais and in the Town of Cannes, as well as nightly screenings at the "Cinéma de la Plage".. There will be new and restored prints, certain of which will contain unseen material the director had initially included. The retrospective will be accompanied by a series of documentaries and photos of Fellini at work.
Moreover, there will be a number of events that will bring to life the music written for Fellini, such as a brass band which will interpret famous musical themes by Nino Rota in the musical kiosk. On the Croisette, the musical esplanade will play Nino Rota's and Nicola Piovanni's compositions of Fellini's films.
Finally, Nicola Piovanni, the last composer to have worked with Federico Fellini, will discuss his work with the director, during a Music Lesson which will be given at the Palais des Festival on the 20th of May – a first for Cannes.
The tribute to Federico Fellini will also take place in Paris at the same time. Fifteen of his films will be re-released at the Arlequin Theatre (6th arrondissement) and the McMahon (17th arrondissement) starting on the 14th of May.
This event is organized by the Festival de Cannes and Cinecittà Holding, with the participation of Mediaset-Cinema Forever, Scuola Nazionale di Cinema-Cineteca Nazionale, and with the support of Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, in collaboration with Regione Emilia-Romagna Fondazione Federico Fellini

L'ULTIMA SEQUENZA de Mario Sesti (Italie, 2002, 50mn). Inédit.
CIAO, FEDERICO ! de Gideon Bachman (Angleterre, 1970, 1h)
LA DOUBLE VUE : LA DOLCE VITA ET LE NEO-REALISME d'André Delvaux (Belgique, 1960, 55mn)
FEDERICO FELLINI de Carmen Piccini (Los Angeles, 2003, 55 minutes)

Autour du cinéma :

CHARLIE. THE LIFE AND ART OF CHARLIE CHAPLIN de Richard Schickel (USA, 2003, 2h). Inédit.
CLAUDE SAUTET OU LA MAGIE INVISIBLE de N.T Binh (France, 2003, 1h20). Inédit.
LESTER JAMES PERIES, CINEASTE D'UN AUTRE TEMPS de Julien Plantureux (France, 2003, 1h). Inédit.
EASY RIDERS, RAGING BULLS de Keneth Bowser (USA, 2002, 2h)


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